Bidi Vapor Portal
for Philip Morris International
Bidi Vapor has compiled data and study results to demonstrate how our premium products dominate the disposable e-cig market. These data are separated into two presentations that mainly focus on Bidi Vapor products’ selling points, strengths, current market share, and sales forecasts.
BIDI® Pouch Market
This presentation includes BIDI® Pouch information, Bidi Vapor and Kaival Brands’ employees, market projections for nicotine pouches, nicotine pouch market, global data on disposables market, and current market share of smokeless tobacco based on the Goldman Sachs Report through April 24, 2021.
Bidi Vapor: Introduction
This presentation includes financial reports, current BIDI® Stick market share based on Goldman Sachs Report through April 24, 2021, data from Technomic studies on flavor, and effectivity of the BIDI® Stick at switching smokers.